Friday, March 17, 2017

You've Seen the Advertising: Now Read the Book

Finally, after all the months of liberals spewing venom about Trump, focused on his personality, his expostulations, his nasty friends, his inferred intentions, we have a concrete pseudo budget.

If the worst thing for a bad product is good advertising then here we have the real article: Mr. Trump intends to cut
1/ The National Institutes of Health (healthcare research) by 20%
2/ The Appalachia Regional Commission
3/ Medicaid (as part of Repeal and Replace)

Of course, he wants to slash the warm and fuzzy programs Republicans Love to Hate, but those are to be expected and are simply red meat to the tough guy Republicans, like the EPA, Meals on Wheels, the National Endowment for the Arts and Humanities, Public Television and Radio and foreign aid, all stuff the Tea Party and Rand Paul and Paul Ryan believe government has no business doing anyway.

Thing is, most people, if they have ever heard of it, like the NIH.  The coal miners in Kentucky may not care about the NIH because they don't care about medical research. But outside of Kentucky, West Virginia and coal mining Pennsylvania, there are people who actually read, or watch the news, and they may remember Tony Fauci explaining Ebola virus, or the new treatments for AIDS, or new advances in cancer chemotherapy. So this may ring a bell with some voters.

Finally, after all the ineffectual sputtering and fuming about things about Trump which  people are offended by but others love, we have an actual concrete event of governing. Putting those grand generalities into concrete action: Cut the NIH by 20%.

It will not matter to Trump voters that his Repeal and Replace comes down to cutting Medicaid and telling the states to deal with that. But cutting the NIH is the first of many things which will finally make a difference.

Ryan's plan to cut Medicaid is actually quite savvy:  Medicaid spending is what powered Obamacare and you can kill it by cutting Medicaid. And the only people that hurts are the poor and the ignorant and the dispossessed and the disenfranchised. Unless you believe Mr. Trump, (and we think Mr. Ryan does not), Dead People Don't Vote. 

It's all coming home to roost. The first step has been taken.

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