Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Trumped Up

Is it not deliciously curious that our President's is named Trump? 

According to the Word Detective website "trumped up" dates back to the 1700's as a "fraudulently concocted" charge.
Of course, there is the trump hand, which is a winning hand.
Where do you think the meaning will settle after 4 years of our current President?

For his voters and fans, who are or will, of course be winning constantly now that he is President, of course President Trump is the winning hand.

But for the Muslims who were dancing on the rooftops on September 11th, for President Obama who was surprised to learn he had ordered Trump Tower wiretapped and that he was born in Kenya, something Mr. Obama could not recall, for obvious reasons, the fraudulently concocted side is more accurate.

Personally, I like my Trump in black, trimmed with gold.

I'm keeping a running tally:
1. Obama of Kenya
2. Cheering Muslims on Newark rooftops
3. Black inner cities beset by hellish violence
4. Wiretapping Obama
5. Mexican immigrants mostly rapists
6. Muslims mostly hating everyone
7. Factories closing because of bad trade deals
8. Hillary is crooked
9. Obamacare is a disaster
10. Obamacare is in a death spiral

Stay tuned. The list grows every morning at 5 A.M.

Oh, and there's some great grape flavored Kool Aid you might want to try--there are big buckets of it just outside the White House.

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