Sunday, March 26, 2017

Irreconcilable Differences

The threat of a constitutional convention, now that nearly 3/4 of the states are in Republican hands, keeps coming up online. Oh, woe is us, if that ever happens.

But I look on it as an opportunity. 

Think of it: Suppose the states met and we decided, hey, let's break up. We could do that, legally, if we did it with a constitutional convention. It would be the best Brexit of all time, except it would be Amerexit.

We could work on those borders a little more 

Really, to no longer have to listen to Louie Gohmert or Lou McConnell or any of those guys in the Freedom Caucus.  Let them form their own country, with wonderful border walls and state religion and no abortions and no contraception and no non white people, except of course for the slaves. 

The other day a secretary in my office mentioned she had never been to Virginia. She's from Chelmsford, Massachusetts.  She's lead a full, happy life, without ever having set foot in Virginia. I have never visited Mississippi, Alabama or Arizona.  Don't really feel deprived. In fact, I really don't like most of the people I see from those Southern States. I could still visit friends in New Orleans and Austin, I suppose, if I could get a visa for a vacation: Or maybe it would be like when I go to Iceland and England, I wouldn't need a visa, just a passport.

That's better

Let those aggrieved Southerners and Southwesterners say bye-bye. They won't miss us and speaking for myself, I think I could live without them, thank you. 

Every estimate I've seen is, economically, if the South left the union, and took the Southwest with them, the remaining country would hardly notice.  Those states get far more back from the federal government they hate so much than they put in, let 'em go. And if Kansas and some of those farm belt/Bible belt states left, our food prices might rise, but likely not too much to really cause an economic hiccup. We'd still have California, which is all we really need. We can do without corn. Maybe we'd live longer.

So, we could have a non contiguous nation. In the era of the internet, we have office workers living a plane ride away. So what?  If I were going to drive across the country and had to stop at border crossings in Kansas, would that bother me? Not at all. 

The Midwest, Ohio, Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota might opt to stay in with New England and the MId Atlantic states and the West Coast. That would be enough for me. 

You could still have the NFL and major league baseball: After all, the Europeans do it with soccer, across international borders all the time. 

Think how liberating that would be.  Yes, there are still guys like Jim Jordan of Ohio who remind us that not all the reactionaries are in the South, but we'd get rid of 85% of them, and those who remain in the New America might decide to go where they can live in a gated community with folks who think like they do.

Wow! How liberating. A real utopia come true.

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