Thursday, March 23, 2017

Louie Gohmert Has a Health Plan for You

Listening to Louie Gohmert, Representative from Texas talking about his thinking on the Republican Health Care Bill this morning, I was struck by the thought:  Is this the guy who we want planning health care for American babies, women, children and men?

Texas, of course, is a very weird place and spawns some politicos with their own ideas about health systems.

"So when [caribou] want to go on a date, they invite each other to head over to the pipeline. … So my real concern now [is] if oil stops running through the pipeline … do we need a study to see how adversely the caribou would be affected if that warm oil ever quit flowing?"
--Rep Gohmert

Lyndon Johnson was from Texas and he got Medicare passed into law, but that was 1965 and he knew enough to stay out of the way of people who knew what they were talking about--you had to say that for Johnson.

Ted Cruz, Senator from Texas, on the other hand thinks you can tell the United States has way better health care than, say all of Western Europe, because we order more MRIs than all those countries with government run health care. That is because we're number one in health care, of course, not because of the profit motive, which, in the eyes of Senator Cruz and Representative Gohmert can only be good, because the profit motive is what drives capitalism, which is always better than godless communism, radical Islam and socialism, not necessarily in that order.

"You know what really gets me, as a Christian, is to see the ongoing attacks on Judeo-Christian beliefs, and then some senseless crazy act of terror like this takes place. … . Where was God? What have we done with God? We don’t want him around. I kind of like his protective hand being present."

--Rep Gohmert

In the case of the MRI's, an MRI in the USA (which is #1, USA, USA!) runs $2,000-$4,000) whereas in Amsterdam, where prostitution and marijuana is legal, that MRI will run you $75-100.  Apparently, it never occurred to the Senator from Texas, that number of MRI's might have something to do with what the MRI does for someone's bank account, more than what it might do for the patient.

Just saying.

So, this morning Representative Gohmert was saying he could vote "Yes" on the American Health Care Act--don't those Republicans have a genius for naming? I mean how can you vote against something called "American?"--if only they stripped the bill of the provision that health insurance covers stuff like maternity care, major surgical procedures and all like that. That's all jeest "Regulations" and government intrusion in the sacred business/customer relationship, requiring that health insurance policies actually cover things patients might need.

"There is no clear place to draw the line once you eliminate the traditional marriage, and it’s the same once you start putting limits on what guns can be used, then it’s just really easy to have laws that make them all illegal."
--Rep Gohmert

Oh, and Paul Ryan just recently discovered an alarming truth:  All those healthy young people across America, hard working, God fearing, Christian (and some Jews, and very few Muslims) are paying for health insurance they don't really need because they are healthy and they are paying every month and this money is being given to the doctors taking care of sick, unhealthy, probably undeserving people. If that isn't un-American, Rep. Ryan does not know what is. If that doesn't say it all about what a disaster Obamacare was, healthy people taking care of unhealthy people, forced against their will to do this. Same with Medicare--you pay from your paycheck when you are 20 years old and completely healthy for forty-five  years until you are old enough for Medicare to pay for you. That's why we've got to get rid of Medicare. And, if you die at 35 because you run your four wheel drive into a concrete wall, you don't get a dime of that money back.  And Social Security. Same damn thing! Pay for that all those years and not a dime comes back. Why, if you'd just put all that into the stock market, at least your heirs could inherit that. 

Well, let's get Obamacare first, then Medicare and then Social Security and then nobody making more than $100,000 a year will have to pay a dime in taxes and America will have fulfilled its promise for freedom and we'll definitely be #1!

Right now, with this American Healthcare Act, it's just bewildering, when you have to come face to face with a health insurance policy, all the choices you have to make, which is what the Republicans call "Freedom of choice" but which are like reading through the tax code, really painful and incomprehensible.

In Finland or Sweden or England you want health care, you go to your local doctor, who may (or may not) work for the government and he takes care of you. In America, if you are lucky, you go to the doctor and he and you and his staff tries to figure out whether your insurance company will allow you to have the tests,  prescriptions follow up the doctor thinks you need.

Hey, that's freedom! 
USA!  USA! We're number one!

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