Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Stranger in a Strange Land

The opening scene of "The Wire" has a policeman sitting on a stoop with a street kid, contemplating the body of a teenager called "Snotbogey" lying in a pool of blood, shot dead because he grabbed up the pile of money in a game of dice and tried to run off with it. He had done this dozens of times before and had been beaten for this transgression, but this time, for some reason, somebody shot him, which struck the street kid on the stoop as unwarranted. 

When the policeman asks the street kid why the others allowed Snotbogey to play in the first place, given his history of snatching up the cash, the street kid shrugs and looks at the policeman as if the question is impertinent: "Got to," the street kid says, "This America man."

And if that scene does not capture the essence of the bizarre nature of this nation, then the scene from a prayer service for the slain school children of Florida must win the prize, as people in religious costumes, garments, and head bands invoking the crown of thorns, but made of bullets, prayed holding automatic rifles.

NEWFOUNDLAND, Pa. (Reuters) - Hundreds of couples toting AR-15 rifles packed a Unification church in Pennsylvania on Wednesday to have their marriages blessed and their weapons celebrated as "rods of iron" that could have saved lives in a recent Florida school shooting.

Women dressed in white and men in dark suits gripped the guns, which they had been urged to bring unloaded to the church in the rural Pocono Mountains, about 100 miles (160 km) north of Philadelphia. Many celebrants wore crowns - some made of bullets - while church officials dressed in flowing bright pink and white garments to go with their armaments.

The Church, in Newfoundland, Pennsylvania thinks of AR 15's as religious rods of iron, accouterments and the description of the ceremony would have captivated Mark Twain.
These are the people who voted for Trump. Who swung the state of Pennsylvania to the red.
How do you run an election when the electorate looks like this?
These citizens each have a vote which counts as much as yours.
These are the folks who will give Donald Trump a second term.

God bless the United States of America.


  1. Phantom,
    When I look at these photos-and they certainly are mesmerizing-one thing immediately springs to mind-tainted water! Oh yeah, there's something very wrong with the groundwater in Newfoundland, PA. It's the only plausible explanation for the sheer number of citizens going loco. Hundreds of men in crowns of bullets and women in white clutching their rods of iron to their bosom-telltale signs of a polluted aquifer. With Scott Pruitt dismantling the EPA expect to see more of this type of aberrant behavior. Next thing you know it'll be an adoption ceremony, with the AR-15's becoming their children and Lord knows one can't separate a "child" from it's parents... Just wait....

  2. Miss Maud,

    Flint was only the canary in the coal mine.

