Sunday, November 6, 2016

FBI: Oh, Never Mind

So, now it turns out there was nothing new in the mails extracted from Anthony Weiner's computer. 
Or not.
Those who believe there is something BAD in Hillary Clinton's emails have only to hear "email" and "Hillary" in the same sentence to believe what they want to believe about her.
Oh, she put our country at risk. Benghazi. That's all they have to say. No specifics, no explanations. Specifics aren't important. It's all about the sound. 
But we have found something specific in all this: We have bureaucrats, namely Federal Bureaucrats of Investigation, who are not very good at investigation but who have strong ideas about who should become President and so they have used their positions as government officials to try to control the outcome of this election.
Guilty of violating the Hatch Act, intended to prevent government control of the free will of the people in choosing for themselves. 
People who want to control information to control you.
Freaking Bad Idea, that bureau. 
If Mr.Trump wins, they will be safe and nothing will change.
If Secretary Clinton wins, there's a chance she'll clean that rat's nest out.

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