Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Why Can't He Just Say It?

This morning, on NPR I heard Mitt Romney say, "I want tax cuts for ALL Americans. I don't want to kill the job creation by job creators with higher taxes."  And then they played President Obama saying, "I want to extend tax cuts for the middle classes, but for the 1%, like me, I think we need to let those tax breaks expire."  
Or words to that effect.
The President may have said something about the rich having to pay their fair share.
Trouble is, hearing all this, to my ear, the Republicans sound more persuasive.
Why is the President incapable of a direct, forthright statement of principle, in the same way Mitt Romney, Mitch McConnell and John Boehner are?
I would love to hear Mr. Obama say: "Mitt Romney, the Republican Speaker of the House, the Republican leader in the Senate all want to protect tax cuts for the millionaires and billionaires. These Republicans say  they are concerned about discouraging  the job creators with taxes, as if people who run businesses will just fold up their tents and move to Somalia if we tax them anything at all.  The fact is, what these Republicans are really concerned about is dancing on the strings held by the ultra rich.  Republicans, from the leadership in Washington, right down to the Congressmen in their districts, are in the pocket of the rich, bought and paid for. As the old saying goes, 'You cannot bring a man to understanding, if his income depends on not understanding.' That is the Republican party in a nutshell. Vote Republican and you are dangling from the same strings they are."

I do not understand why President Obama and every other Democrat cannot say this emphatically and often.

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