Sunday, July 1, 2012

Pamela Susan Karlan: A Woman for All Seasons

Sometimes, just when you think the country is going to the dogs, you trip over something on youtube or in The New York Times, or both, which restores your faith.
For some time, I've been clinging to the notion there is actually intelligent life in the universe on planet earth because I can read Gail Collins once a week. 

Now, there is Pamela Karlan, a Stanford law professor who, if you have not made her acquaintance, you really owe yourself a visit. Go google her, or youtube her. You could put her and Elizabeth Warren and Gail Collins into a room with President Obama and he might actually develop a backbone.

Her article in the New York Times today lays out just why Chief Justice Roberts' "shift" to vote with the liberals is not such a game changer, or at least not in the way we have been told it is. What she points out is the decision basically said to Congress, the only power you have is the power to tax. Forget about that commerce clause stuff, or the power to promote the general welfare or the power to enforce the 14th amendment--naw, you can just tax. Now, go try and do some liberal things like Medicare, Social Security or regulating the stock market, suckers.

So, while Thomas Friedman is having a feel good moment about what a hero John Roberts turned out to be, Pamela Karlan has seen the wolf beneath the sheep's cloth and sounded the alarm.

Any time you find yourself in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, Professor, I'm buying the beer at the brewery. Your money's not good here.

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