Wednesday, July 11, 2012

And Let Us Not Forget Strip Searches

Here's one other thing which distinguishes Republicans from Democrats.  Republicans defend the idea of strip searching anyone who is arrested and brought to a police station in handcuffs.

It's all part of the idea that we have to defend law and order. We have to be tough on crime by stripping naked some terrified 16 year old girl who was just arrested for rolling through a stop sign, or some 17 year old boy who was stopped with a dead tail light and found to have a case of beer in his back sit, which his mother forgot to bring in from the car after she bought it in North Hampton.

So we strip search these kids and we can all sleep better at night knowing our nation is safe from people like them. It's all part of the war on terror, part of protecting our police, who have guns, from that girl who may have stuffed a weapon up her vagina and needs to have that explored.

At every candidate's debate every candidate ought to be asked where they stand on the Supreme Court's ruling allowing indiscriminate strip searches. 

And every day we ought to ask ourselves: Why are we not more aggravated by this?

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