Thursday, January 25, 2018

The Olympic Bowel Movement

Recent revelations about a doctor who sexually abused girls and young women who were training for the Olympic gymnastic team is just another instance in the long, sordid history of the "Olympic movement."

The modern Olympics as we know the games with all their hype dates back to 1936 Germany when Hitler decided to showcase the Master Race and his Aryan nation by staging a huge spectacle with a massive Olympic stadium.

The way the story is usually told in America is that heroic America Blacks, like Jesse Owens managed to destroy the image of White Supremacy by winning the 100 yard dash and Hitler was humbled, but that was not what happened at all. Germany won 89 to the USA's 56 Olympic medals and Hitler got his propaganda feast.

Since then we have had the murder of Israeli athletes left unguarded at the Munich Olympics, the Russians staging a huge show before invading and annexing Crimea.

The Olympics have always staged jingoistic orgies with the national anthems of the gold medalist being played and the flags being run up the poles while Olympic officials reacted in outraged at the politicization of the pure Olympic movement by Black American athletes who raised protesting fists at the Mexico City Olympics in 1968. Those bad Black boys were sent home for spoiling Master's show.

And when the Olympic torch stunt was sullied by a high school student who stood outside his high school when the principal forced the students to stand along the sidewalks as the Olympic torch was born by, the student was thrown out of school for holding up a "Bong Hits for Jesus" sign and the Unites States Supreme Court held the principal had that right to defend Olympics Inc against satire from an American high school student who saw the hypocrisy and was slapped down for protesting it.

This whole show has been a sorry exercise in commercially motivated jingoism since Hitler and it has gone downhill ever since.

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