Saturday, December 9, 2017

Smart Enough to be British?

How did I miss this story?

For Meghan Markle to become a British subject, she needs to pass a written test, 24 questions in 45 minutes. (That's 1.8 minutes a question. If you had to ask, you already fail.)

Sample question: what is Vindolanda? 
Answer: Roman fort just south of Hadrian's Wall. 
Another: Who wrote "Rule Britannia?"
Answer: Thomas Arne. (Not Edward Elgar as the Prime Minister David Cameron thought.) 
Another: What does "Magna Carta" mean?  
Answer: Great Charter.

Bonus points: What does the Magna Carta say? Who is David Cameron?
Is that a peacoat she's wearing? Good choice.

If you don't pass the test, you are denied citizenship in Britain, which has got to be a meritocracy, if ever there was one, in exactly the same way elite colleges are meritocracies--if you can pass these tests you have clearly learned how to play the game.

President Dotard has said he wants to limit immigration to people who have something to offer to the country. No more illiterate, Spanish speaking Central Americans. We want only smart people. Let's give them all a test, like the Brits do.

Personally, I liked the test they gave Will Smith in "Men in Black" to separate out the very best from the "best of the best."  If you remember that scene, Smith demolishes the whole idea of the best of the best in a simple repetition of the phrase. 
She passes my test

And while all of the other candidates shoot the monsters in a simulated back alley brawl, Smith assesses the threats and chooses to shoot the innocent looking girl in pigtails, because he thinks counter intuitively.

He would never be granted British citizenship, and fact, if there were a test for American citizenship, he'd like be thrown out of the country, as would most citizens who were subjected to it.

As for Ms. Markle, if she wants to be taken into the British royal family, she'd better be hitting the books. 

Why, you might ask, would she want to have anything to do with those people? Can you imagine anything short of being stretched on a rack more agonizing than having to sit through a dinner with the 90 something Queen and King and/or any of the extant Royals? 
Seen near Lincoln Center

Downton Abbey it is not.
Why would a woman marry that kind of money?
I suppose Ms. Markle could ask Melania if that kind of encumbered wealth is really worth it.
Can you imagine what Melania and the Dotard actually talk about? Think about it: They are on an airplane, stuck with each other for four hours. You have to say something
Myrna Loy and William Powell they are not.

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