Friday, December 15, 2017

Invasion of the Brain Lamers

As a corporate employee, I have had just completed my on line course on sexual harassment and my course on opiate addiction.

These took two hours of my life, which will never be refunded.

My sexual harassment course taught me that it is not the Inspector General who investigates sexual harassment complaints but the Office of Economic Equality or something that sounds like that. 
I was very disappointed to learn it was not the Inspector General, who I have never met, but that sounds like someone I would like. I mean, what a great job. You can inspect just about anything, sounds like. You can generally inspect things or people or events. Doesn't that sound like fun?

Oh, and there are two categories of sexual harassment: Quid pro quo and creating a hostile work environment. Creating a hostile work environment is so easy to apprehend it's boring.  The questions on the quiz (to make you you were actually listening) asks if pinching the buttocks of a co worker is an example of creating a hostile work environment or Quid pro quo. 

Personally, I like the sound of quid pro quo, but it turns out to be pretty pedestrian. It turns out if you tell an underling she  will be promoted if she sleeps with you but she will be fired if she does not sleep with you, that is sexual harassment of the QPQ variety. 
Who woulda thunk? Harassment? I would have thought, "blackmail" or "extortion," but I am clearly behind the times. That is QPQ. So there. Not allowed. Do not do that. 

As for opioids, I learned from my online such valuable lessons as: 
1/ If you prescribe opioids you should inform the patient there is a risk to opioids. 
2/ You should inform your patient they should not drive a car, operate a chain saw or a table saw or a crane of more than 50 feet height or fly a jetliner with 400 souls aboard if  he is nodding out under  the influence of opioids. 
3/ You should warn anyone you are giving opioids it is not a good idea to mix them with alcohol or to crush up the capsules or tablets and inject them into your veins.  This is important advice, which likely would never have occurred to the patient, had you not mentioned it. 
4/ You should warn your patient if he has a family member who is addicted to opioids not to share his stash which you have just supplied with his drug fiend family member.

For preparing this important information, the company which prepared these on line courses received compensation which placed its CEO in the upper 1%. 
I have it on high authority this particular CEO responded by inviting his secretary on a trip to Aruba in his private airplane and assured her if she refused to accompany him she would be fired.  
Unfortunately, when they reached the bridal suite he had reserved, he inhaled an industrial dose of cocaine and suffered a cardiac dysrhythmia and the secretary called the ambulance which took him  to the emergency room, where he was given an opioid to settle him down, and he died in respiratory arrest.

From which, I had to conclude there is justice in the world after all. 


  1. And they say "God works in mysterious ways"! This seems pretty straight forward and transparent - if true.

  2. anon,

    Well, not the part about the CEO, but everything else.


  3. Another example of "Fake News" on the internet!!
