Saturday, October 7, 2017

Genius v Dilitante: Mozart v Saleri

I had a friend once who was connected to the Baltimore Orioles professional baseball team. He told me when pitchers tried out for the team they had them throw 10 pitches over the inside black margin of home plate and 10 over the outside stripe. 

The guys who made the grade got 20 pitches over the stripes. Those who did not might be off by a few inches. 
"That's all the difference between the guy who makes the big time: a few inches."

In the movie "Amadeus" Antonio Salieri, a composer who regarded Amadeus Mozart as a rival could just not manage those few inches difference between his talent and that of Mozart's.
Obadiah Youngblood, Occoee 

But when you look at Vincent Van Gogh, the difference between him and any other painter of his or any other generation is beyond inches. It's miles, light years, maybe.
Obadiah Youngblood, Feeder Canal
When you go to Auvers and see the church, you know that is Van Gogh's church. He has made it his own.

The same cannot be said of other artists.

Obadiah Youngblood, Wrestlers

Obadiah Youngblood, Batter

What he does is so astonishing, you wonder how anyone else can have the temerity to even pick up a paint brush.


Creativity and execution remain, for the Phantom at least, one of life's ongoing mysteries.

Obadiah Youngblood, Reading the NYT

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