Tuesday, June 6, 2017



The REALITY is the real WINNER was Hillary Clinton.
Russia hacked the voting software and as vote tabulations made their way from local precincts down cyber highways to central tabulations in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Florida, Michigan, Wisconsin and North Carolina, the Russians were there to meet them.

They stole a page from "Risky Business" where the hero doesn't bother to alter his failing exam grades, or the reports from the teachers; he simply hacks the transcripts of his final grades, the ones which are all the colleges see.

This also explains why exit polling had Hillary Clinton winning in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, states the computers told us she lost.

And the NSA knew this all along, but you know, chain of command. Better to have the wrong guy declared the winner than have the American public lose faith in voting integrity and by extension, in democracy itself.

So our "Manchurian Candidate" was put in place by the Russians, just like in the movie. But that was fiction.
But what is fiction now?
And what is reality?
As Mr. Trump has instructed, it's anything you want to believe.
Statement is fact. Opinion is evidence and truth is whatever you can get people to believe.
War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength. Who controls the present controls the past. Who controls the past, controls the future.
Reality bites.
The Winner is the loser. She'll spend 10 years behind bars.
Did you see the television commercial showing Mr. Trump's successful trip where he brought peace to the Middle East?  Leni Riefenstahl filmed it.
President Trump just appointed Reality Winner to be his press secretary.
Melania is in charge of her wardrobe.

No more losers in the White House.
Only Winners.
We just dropped a nuclear bomb on ISIS.
The Mexican wall can be seen from outer space.
Obama was born in Kenya to Martian parents.

Melania has just been appointed Hillary Clinton's personal trainer.
Trump is now the Secretary of Hotels and Urban Development.
He is building an ice skating rink on the National Mall.
He'll take over for Arnold on "The Apprentice," and he'll also head Fox News.
Ignorance is Strength. Check it out

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