Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Looking at the Donald; Warming to Hillary

Got to say, I have not be a huge fan of Hillary Clinton, until lately.

But now, I've got to watch the Donald every morning.

The Donald
And I imagine having to listen to the Donald for 4 years.

Whenever a demagogue emerges--and the last one like Trump was Spiro Agnew--the haters come out of the woodwork, because now it's okay to say the stuff in public even their over cooked brains somehow were under constraint to hide deep within their amygdala's.  So newspapers got flooded with anti Semetic letters, and letters about the coming race war.  A public figure like the Donald has an unleashing effect. 

Did you spend the night...Alone? 
And I think of Hillary answering the questions from those bottom dwellers, those knuckle dragging Republicans on the committee, particularly the one from that Congresswoman from Alabama who asked Hillary if she had spent the night alone the night of Benghazi, when Hillary finally left the State Department at 2 AM. And Hillary, rather bored, said, Yes. And the Congresswoman, playing a role she had likely been dying to play her whole life, leaned forward and asked, "The whole night? Alone?"
And Hillary, looking across the floor at this woman, seeing perhaps for the first time just how clueless this woman was, Hillary laughed, very wonderful laugh, which said in it all she needed to say about what a dimwit this woman had to be. And the woman said, "Well, I don't see what's so funny."

And Hillary just shook her head, and said, "It's been a long day."

Hillary can be the master of understatement, as she was when Lincoln Chafee suggested she was too unethical to be President and the moderator asked her if she wanted to respond and she simply said, "No."  She knows when the other person has hanged himself with his own rope, or, in the case of the Congresswoman, her own rope. The wonderful thing about that scene is it so sharply delineated the room into those who could get the joke and those who could not. It was pretty much a red state/ blue state thing, in its purest form. The people you really had to feel sorry for were the Republicans watching this from their own homes and, if there are any Republicans left who are not radicalized, they had to be thinking--Oh, my God. Am I one of these people now? 

But how will Hillary handle Trump?   Will she just step back and allow him to rant and free associate and bring him down with a one line zinger? Are her people working on this now?  Where is Aaron Sorkin when you need him?

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