Monday, July 27, 2015

Why I Love The Donald: Trump Card

He reminds me so of Mussolini.  Both men loved to puff out their chests and brag about their own virtues. Mr. Mussolini was especially eager to proclaim his attractiveness to women. Mr. Trump also would have you know he is virtually irresistible to human beings of the female persuasion.  (Well, apparently Ms. Maud has managed to look past his good looks to want to push him off a sea wall, but we are talking the average woman, which Ms. Maud certainly is not.)

They both inspire ardent admirers who want strong men to lead the dithering masses.

They both admire their own looks and intellect.

They both exude confidence.

Is that enough?


  1. Phantom,
    It will be interesting to see how Trump, the current Republican front runner, fares in this Thursday's debate. He's bowed out of the debate last night in Manchester and didn't attend the Koch brothers get away week-end, referring to it as the "beg-a-thon", so this will be his big debut...He does view himself as irresistible to women, but he also seems irresistible to himself-this is a man who clearly is aroused by the sound of his own voice. When watching the debate Thursday, I know it will be difficult for me to look past his allure and sheer animal magnetism, why just that wild mane alone is enough to set any red blooded female's heart a flutter. But look away one must, due to the ignorant, arrogant, inflammatory statements that flow from his lips like a ruptured sewer pipe-constant and unstoppable...

    What is most confounding about Trump, though, is his general appeal, which grows weekly. Today some pundit was discussing how a new poll showed that what Trump supporters like is his candor and willingness to say what he thinks...But what if there's no quality in the thought- just voicing the thought is enough? What type of rock or cave do his supporters dwell under and in? The other day I passed a guy in a big pick up truck who pulled his t-shirt off over his head, obliterating his vision, as he sped by and I thought to myself-Trump supporter..

  2. Ms. Maud:

    Trump as a ruptured sewer pipe: I like it.

    You likely have seen the guy around Hampton in his truck with the two Rebel flags flapping from the cargo bed with some inspiring phrase "Come and Get It" or words to that effect.
    Quality to the thought? Ms. Maud, really you set the bar too high.

