Saturday, August 25, 2012

A Zombie Fighter in New Hampshire

Everyone running for office in New Hampshire is asked immediately if they will take a Grover Norquist  pledge against ever approving of an income tax.

One candidate has said, no way. If you do that, there's no way you can govern if you ever do get elected.

New Hampshire has no income tax and no state sales tax. But oh does it have property taxes.  And business taxes. 

It also has legislators who make you wonder on what planet they spend the majority of their time--Legislators who testify birth control pills cause prostate cancer, abortion causes breast cancer and vaccines cause mental retardation. You cannot make this stuff up.

So you send a governor to Concord who gives them two dozen choices for a variety of taxes they could use to raise revenue and these loonies will say, no, no and no. Unless you hold up that loaded gun--the dreaded income tax--to their temples, then maybe you will focus their attention. 

Jackie Cilley says you cannot tell someone to drop their gun if you first tell them your gun is not loaded.

And now she's got an ad which helps explain this rather too subtle argument. The pledge is the undead--just keeps coming back, like a zombie.

Here's the link.

I told you the lady has balls.

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