Wednesday, July 4, 2018

What Endures

Donald Trump, even in his 2nd term will eventually fade into oblivion. His Trump towers in New York and Chicago and around the world will be sold as surely as his casinos and they will be renamed. 

He is simply a lightweight. 

But some people, who were neither famous nor successful in their own lifetimes do work which lives on.
Girl in White in Woods --Van Gogh

Van Gogh died without knowing how important he was.

He is the antithesis of Trump who believes he is important. Van Gogh simply did his work.

And he is buried next to his brother Theo in Auvers, France, and people still visit his grave, 150 years later.


  1. Second term?? Good God Almighty-bite your tongue Phantom-don't even say that in jest...Of course, truth be told, I am slowly and painfully coming to the realization that this heinous scenario isn't out of the question-the fool still has his fan base. How can that be? But it is-I know some of them-they deplore him as a person, but feel he needs to be "given a chance" do what exactly I'm not sure...Guess actual crucifixions of those unwise enough to cross our borders is till an option...

    Trump is certainly a lightweight, but he's also that menacing combo-mean and stupid...I sure hope that you're correct and he is merely a bloated flash in the pan, yet I remain apprehensive as to what the climax of his Presidency will involve. Will he slink out of DC with his tail between his legs or unleash unthinkable mayhem just before he exits... Asking just how low can he go is a loaded question, if he lowers the decency bar any further it'll be subterranean...One thing is for certain-he'll never engender the admiration, affection and respect of a Vincent Van Gogh-there will be no weeping at Trump's grave...

  2. What is bad about Trump is what is bad about a really bad grade school teacher, who is stupid and enforces stupidity in the world she controls or the lieutenant who every grunt knows is the stupidest guy in the platoon, whose orders they must obey. It's depressing enough to have stupidity in the world, but to have it be something you have to address ever day is really burdensome.
