Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Proof There Is A God

At the risk of venturing into metaphysics, I would like to call attention to sloths.
Once a week, my assistant and I watch the scene from "Zootopia" on youtube, set in the Department of Motor vehicles, where all the workers are sloths.

We do this to assess whether we are still alive; we know that when we stop laughing at this scene we are not alive. Anyone who watches this scene, if he is alive, will laugh. If he does not laugh, there is considerable doubt.

But back to God.
My older son, was appropriately horrified, watching the David Attenborough Planet Earth episode about spider wasps who plant a little spider wasp larva inside a spider and as the wasp grows, it eats the spider literally from inside out, leaving only a pathetic husk of what was once a perfectly healthy, happy, vigorous spider behind, flying off to find another spider to impregnate with a new larval spider wasp. Having sat through this whole sequence with his brother and me and a few friends, we were all struck silent, apart from a few agonized groans and "Oh, my God" expostulations.
"This proves there is no God," my son said.

We all looked at him and chewed on that and went back to David Attenborough.

Later my younger son said, "It proves there is no benevolent, kindly God who watches out for all innocent, good things, like spiders. But it does not prove there is no God."

Watching the video I found on line next to Zootopia, I learned about sloths. Sloths poop only once a week. And when they do, they climb down from their trees and poop on the ground at the base of a tree. Then they slowly climb back up.  The tree has thus been fertilized.  Sloths swim in streams and they move much more sprightly in the water, although they are still very slow.  They eat only leaves. They are home to a particular kind of moth which likes to live in their fur. Moss also grows on their fur.

They have very winning smiles.

You cannot look at a sloth and not believe there is a God.
Ditto for sea otters.

Unless, you are my older son, who says the fact these animals are so adorable and get eaten is more proof there is no God.

I think he misses the point.


  1. Phantom,
    Love this clip-you are right-if one doesn't laugh, one is beyond all hope-intervention required..Had absolutely no idea sloths were so cute..They've really gotten a bum rap, so frequently overlooked or maligned..Being referred to as a sloth is no term of endearment and yet look at those smiles. They need better PR-maybe start with the concept they're "careful" rather than "slow"...Hmm..

    As for God-the existence of spider wasps and sloths at least proves he's a fan of diversity and has a sense of humor..

  2. Maud,
    God has a sense of humor. Who would have thunk?
    We are currently looking into ordering a sloth for our office.
