Monday, September 26, 2016

Trump: A Reagan for the 21st Century

The thing about Donnie John is we have seen this all before. 

Ronald Reagan was an empty suit, likely in early stages of Alzheimers, but he charmed the non reading public, told us all we had to do was to unleash the pent up energies of the stallions of capitalism, and we could have morning in America again.

Just let the rich men do what they want and they'd hire all the small people to build their houses, work in their factories, park their cars and we'd all grow, as the rain dripped down from the high canopy and nurtured growth in the forest below.

Oh, it was all so beautiful. We'd be winning again.

The deficit tripled and the economy did not do well for the 99% but the way they remember it is Reagan was the best President ever. 

They still love him. Named National Airport after him. Still wax nostalgic over the good old days when Ronald Reagan was in office. 

He could really read those lines--as long as Peggy Noonan could write his stuff, you could prop him up in front of a camera and the guys in the factories and on the farms just swooned.

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