Friday, August 26, 2016

Arresting French Women in Burkinis

A threat to public decency 
This week, photos emerged of four armed male French police officers demanding that a woman wearing a headscarf, long sleeves, and pants remove layers of her clothing at a beach in Nice. She was given a ticket for not "wearing an outfit respecting good morals and secularism."

In other words, she was wearing something resembling a burkini — a full-body swimsuit for women that is designed to be "in line with Islamic values" — that, as of this summer, was banned in 15 French towns, including Cannes and Nice.

Someone should really ask Donald Trump how he feels about the French burkini ban.

I would guess he'd be for banning burkinis  because the arrests are  aimed at Muslims and if women were allowed to wear burkinis on the beach, it would mean some women would not expose flesh, and once you allow women to cover up, you can never tell where that will lead us. Western Civilization would be threatened, for sure. 

Embracing  good morals and  secularism 

Apparently, the French are leading the way on this and have argued refusing to expose flesh on a beach is action which threatens a secular state, which I can understand, but also, get this, covering flesh is "against good morals." 

Exhibiting good moral character: Uh, maybe a burkini would not be so bad

Who knew? Stripping down is not only patriotic, an affirmation of the value of a secular state, but in France, it's good morals!
Burkini would violate God's will, in this case. 

My one visit to France changed my mind about the French, who I thought I would hate based on my experience with  French teachers in my American schools, but the actual French who live in France turned out to be gracious, lovely, polite and very funny.
Australian who would be arrested in France

Apparently, I failed to dig beneath the surface, or put another way, I failed to remove enough layers to really appreciate the French.
Oh, the horror!

Now, see, here in America, all these women would need is a note from the doctor saying they are acting upon medical advice to avoid skin cancer.

Oh, how far we've come. I remember when Bridget Bardot scandalized the French by wearing those provocative bikinis. Now it's immoral not to wear a bikini. 
Why is that policeman wearing long trousers? On the beach!


  1. Phantom,
    Interesting that the French-those famous purveyors of fashion, are once again in the news regarding that topic. The French court may have ruled against the banning of the burkini, but those seaside towns around Nice vow to continue their moral quest. Part of the argument, the only part that has some validity for me, is the question of whether Muslim women are freely choosing to don the burkini, burka etc or are they being ordered to do so by Muslim men. So it's all the more ironic that the French (men) have decided a good solution to this problem is to issue their own fashion edicts for women..Hmmm..Good thing I guess, since who knows what horrors would ensue if women were allowed to dress as they like...

  2. Ms. Maud,

    Oh, now you are treading through dangerous waters. Just imagine if women could dress as they please. To take it to reducto ad absurdum, what if, just imagine, a woman decided to swim in nothing at all! Or, from the French point of view, if she decided to swim in longsleeves and leggings! Quel dommage!
    Visiting the Uniglo store in New York City, I saw a wall of burkini like garments in various colors and styles, some were very--you should excuse the word--"arresting." Really lovely. I can imagine non Muslim women wearing these things, and you know how that goes. One does it and it's a rebellion. Two do it and it's a demonstration. Three do it and it's a movement.
    And then, as Gov. Le Page will inform us, we are headed right toward oblivion.


  3. Oh yes Phantom-the good Governor would be quite correct that women taking ownership of what they wear is a recipe for disaster. Why in the 20's females bobbing their hair and hiking their hemlines led directly to the Great Depression and we all know we can thank go-go boots and the mini skirt for the tumultuous 60's...Yes, for the safety of all of us- female fashion is best dictated by males...

  4. Ms. Maud,
    Glad to see you are educable. Now, if you will just present yourself to the nearest male every morning for a clothes check,to be sure you are not violating male sensibilities, we can avoid the next apocalypse.

