Thursday, October 18, 2012

It Is Written

Lawrence of Arabia has one scene which keeps bubbling up in my mind:  Lawrence has just had to shoot to death a young Arab man he had previously taken considerable risk to save and Lawrence is grim about the irony of it all. His Arab ally tells him, "It is all written."  Don't worry about it. You had no choice and that young man was simply meeting his fate.  "Nothing is written," Lawrence snaps. 

We believe we create our own fates, here in America. But, we cannot control the tides or the minds of our countrymen.

Obama got no bounce after he trounced (or at least neutered) Romney. It was all written. 

It may have been Obama wrote his own fate with his first debate debacle, but their were others who were writing their own fate, 300 million of them, and that may simply be written for them.

It's up to us to struggle against it. I'll be out knocking on doors for Obama, but it may be like trying to save that young Arab--it may all be written.

President Romney.  
Where is that vomit bag?


  1. In this case it is not yet written. However, it will be important to get out the vote. The Republicans are energized and unless the less energized Democrats come out (read young and lower middle class or poor) then Obama will lose. It is too important to let this happen. People's faith is in their own hands - but it is not yet written. If they don't bother to vote, however, it will be.

  2. Sorry - I meant to say "peoples fate is in their own hands"

  3. Actually, I like it both ways.
    It is not the election of 1864, but it is a very important election.
    We will see what Americans are made of.
    I saw a woman from Kansas this morning who told me she hoped Obamacare would be killed. She had no clue why she felt this way.

    --The Phantom
