Friday, August 5, 2011


I have little hope President Obama will be re elected, because it's the economy stupid, and in case you haven't been listening, Mitch McConnell said on the Senate floor, when voting down a bill which might have actually helped the economy he was voting against it because he was not about to help Obama get re elected. His number one priority is making Obama a one term President and not the welfare of the country in the short term. In the long term, he wants to save the nation from a second Obama term. And the Republicans are smart enough, and the Democrats stupid and weak enough to allow all that to happen.
But there is some hope that some people at least, even some Republicans, can gradually see the bigger picture and gravitate toward doing the right thing.

Which is to say, even some rich Republicans are candidates for salvation.

There is a plastic surgeon I know, for instance, who has all the indices of being headed on the path straight to hell--rich, lives in the lap of luxury, drives a beamer, big house, beautiful wife and kids, boat, and could care less about justifying what he's got. He earned it. He worked hard, stayed up late at night during years of training in general surgery, which he never wanted to do, but had to do to become a plastic surgeon. So he suffered for his art. He finally arrived in the promised land being a plastic surgeon.

Now, of course, if you dig a little deeper into his story, he went to the best private school in his hometown, then off to Vanderbilt, not exactly a school available to the economically deprived, then on to a first rate, private, expensive medical school.

Which is to say, he had all the advantages. he was born on second base, not third, but he still had to get home. And he did. He ran hard and he did not disappoint.

So this guy arrives, finds he has to deal with women who will never be happy with the way their noses look, will never be happy unless the thread count in their hospital sheets is high enough and he said actually, I'd rather do breast reconstruction. Those women actually need me and I can take a woman who has had a mastectomy and make her feel better about herself, about life ahead and I can sleep at night. I won't starve. My yacht may be smaller, but actually, these people need me.

So some people can find that happy medium.

The question is, how many people in this country can do that. Find that center President Obama is always talking about, which is not a very sexy place to be, but allows you to have enough and to do for other people who really need it.

There's always hope.


  1. The plastic surgeon seems like a great guy. You didn't say if he was handsome, but based on what I read, I am sure he is! Athough it is not popular these days, I believe a great number of right leaning, "wealthy" citizens would accept higher taxes if there was some reasonable assurance that the revenues are directed to those who NEED the help. Some of us worry that increased taxes are only wasted on those who are just bright enough to game the system. How much money is wasted on supporting able-bodied, able-minded people when they really are capable of providing for themselves? Eliminate fibromyalgia as a 'legitimate' diagnosis to collect disabilty and you can raise my taxes to 39%! All we want is return on our investment. No reasonable person wants a senior citizen who worked her whole life in a manufactring plant to be denied the basic neccessities of life. But my compassion (and my money) is limited for those who can help themselves,but choose not to because of sheer laziness and a bizarre sense of entitlement. Love the blog, keep it up.

    1. Wonderful thing about the blog--I am whining about nobody ever leaving comments and it turns out some have but I never saw them. So here is this plastic surgeon who replied a year ago and it is like one of those messages from outer space--by the time the message reaches you the guy who sent it is buried in a pyramid on planet Oz.
