Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Republicans and Health Care

Oh, I get it now.

I've listened to John Boehner et al and now I understand: America has the best healthcare system in the world (which Mr. Boehner knows having studied so many other systems in those failing European countries), and private industry, private enterprise offers way better products than any government enterprise ever could, (unless of course, you happen to get sick--then you'd way rather have Medicare) and the Democrat party (which is probably the Democratic Party as it is pronounced by people who cannot manage four syllables) is determined to ram the government between you and your doctor because they are genetically programmed to cleave to the failed programs which have failed in the United States as well as in "every other place which has ever tried them" --like social security and Medicare.

And the Republicans, all along, wanted to end pre-existing conditions, summary cancellation of health insurance as soon as you get sick, especially if you are a child and they would have done all this if the Democrat Party would have only let them, but now those nasty and not at all bipartisan Democrats (who can't even talk civilly to the well meaning Republicans across the aisle ) want to not only destroy health care and life as we know it in this country, but they want to force every pregnant American woman right now to have an abortion, paid for by the government and to bankrupt the country and run up our deficit so all the future generations (which will be depopulated anyway, because of all those abortions) will be paying the price for generations to come, because the economy can never be expected to recover and go through all those cycles you always see on those money shows.

And oh, the shame.

This was not at all what our founding fathers intended when they wrote the Constitution. Those guys in silk stockings and whigs, who lived before penicillin and coronary artery bypass surgery, they knew exactly what they wanted for our health care system. And it was certainly not forcing American citizens to buy health insurance, which violates individual rights just as baldly as forcing individuals to report income and pay taxes on it--wasn't that why they had the Tea Party in Boston, about taxes?--and it's as bad as taking the food right out of your mouth and the money right out of your pocket before it even gets there with payroll taxes--all of which is clearly unconstitutional.

But don't worry, because the individual states can nullify this fascist, communist, pinko law which got rammed through Congress because states can nullify any law they don't agree with, which was after all, what we fought the Civil War to prove. Wasn't it?

Those Democrats just can't wait to bankrupt this great nation of ours.

They are just so brazen about it. When Republicans bankrupt the country, they do it off the books. So you invade Iraq an pay for the war. That's simple patriotism. Support the troops. But you keep all that war financing off the books.

As long as it's not on the books, it can't hurt you. Learned that from that great American patriot, Bernie Madoff.  And if it weren't for all the regulators, nobody would have ever got hurt by Bernie.

Those regulators, and just you wait and see those health care regulators coming out of the woodwork--those regulators just about brought the country to its knees over the real estate fiasco, which was all just government and regulators sticking their noses in where they had no business getting involved and crashing housing prices and banks and the stock market--all the government's fault and if we'd only had Sarah in there in our moment of need.

Well, we have just begun to fight. I'll tell you that.

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