Sunday, October 21, 2012


We've Got To Destroy That Village To Save It
Down With the 47%

Hey, I Can Guard Your Henhouse. I've Got Experience.

Remember when the campaign for President began, way back a year ago. And then it was very clear, all the pundits agreed, Mr. Obama was toast. The economy was languishing, everyone hated Obamacare and there was gridlock in Washington all because Mr. Obama would not play with Mr. Mitchell and Mr. Boehner. And all the talking heads on Fox News and Sunday morning talk shows and The News Hours said Mr. Obama was toast.

Then the Republicans nominated Mr. Romney, who turned out to be an idiot, insulting our friends the Brits, saying dumb stuff like if you didn't pay income tax, you were a slacker and thought the government owed you a living, and it turned out he didn't really pay income tax himself, or at least not much, and he hid most of his money from the American government in offshore accounts. And all the talking heads said he was cooked.

And now, Mr. Obama is toast again, because he missed his chance in the first debate and Hendrick Hertzberg said that was his best shot and he blew it.  

Ever notice how sure everyone is 12 months, 6 months, 3 months and 3 weeks before the election?  

But what I remember, which still seems to be true is Mr. Ryan tried and is still trying to kill Medicare, although he will never admit that.  And the Republicans still hate Medicare and Social Security and are trying to kill it, by rumoring it into death and then "saving" Medicare by turning it into Couponcare and Social Security they are going to save by privatizing it and turning it into personal stock portfolios so you can get as rich as Mitt.

Some things never change.

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