Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Afraid New World

Republicans, who have long pilloried Democrats for being spineless, limp wristed elitists, have developed into a party of cry babies, infante terribles, who stamp and spit, "No," to every attempt by government to solve any problem.

They say all you have to do is to allow citizens to play the game by the rules and any man can be as rich as the one percenters.

Of course, this does not happened because the rules make sure the one percenters begin the game on third base, but that's a detail. Whenever you get into the details, the conversation gets tedious and you lose the attention of Joe Sixpack, which is what the Republicans count on.

Another way of figuring out if the game is rigged, is to look not at the individual rules, but on the outcome ensured by those rules: And by this analysis, the rich are now richer and more successful than ever.

But if you really want to see the Republicans for what they are (a horrifying prospect) just look at what some of their stars would do, if elected, according to what they have said in my own state of New Hampshire:

Romney would:

1. Recriminize abortion

2. Seek constitutional amendment outlawing same sex marriage

3. Seek constitutional amendment requiring 2/3 congressional majorities to increase taxes

4. Repeal Obamacare

5. Replace unemployment beneifts with unemployment savings accounts

6. Increase tax cuts for the rich

7. Double Guantanamo

8. Reauthorize torture

9. Deport undocumented aliens en mass.

Santorum would:

1. Reject global warming as junk science.

2. Keep American troops in Afghanistan for "as long as it takes," whatever it is.

3. End all abortion

4. Make contraception illegal on the state level

Paul would:

1. Kill the Federal Reserve system.

2. Put the dollar back on the gold standard.

3. Pull Americans troops back home and keep them here.

4. Eliminate abortion.

5. Kill Medicare, Medicaide and Social Security.

Feel better now?

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